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Drakom's tale, as told over a campfire many moons ago...

Prior to the days of Tiersa Ine's command in Affidale, my affiliations weren't so much noted, but rather rebuked and defiling. I held relations with those less than faithful to any cause or purpose, but rather that childish, undeveloped sense for adventure that almost always goes awry. Correct, I was a bandit...thug...misbehaven creant as some said. This lasted for nearly 4 years while I learned the importance of others lives and their individuality. My partner in our trivial crimes was Simei and loved to prey on those less witty or for the most part, patient and kind. Passing the time we tricked and thieved status symbols of multiple areas surrounding the realms of human nobility and on occasion, though I didn't agree to it ever, elven-kind as well. My prayers [now] were answered to the end of our parade, when we fell victim to a blunder of spectacular events from a very cunning young individual whom also was plundering as we were. We were hustled. The worst strategy my friend could've played with was that of trusting someone she barely knew - this is where I lost any deep seeded love or respect for my companion and all comprehension of how her mind operated.

I appreciate the time now, but it took years to grasp it's meaning and fathom the reasons.

The result of tragedy befell us; or perhaps my love, Simei, for her life became part of a collection of souls for a baron of another existence. An otherworldly essence which was found to have the intuition over our deeds and foresee a plot to unravel our campaign and capture our attention. I'm uncertain of the particular's name, but I am certain the vile being was a wraith.

My love...gone. Amidst the confusion and reality changing visions befalling me, I managed to take something from this experience. While losing my heart for years to come, I did happen to capture some of the wraith's ability. At the time of deception revealed, I found myself bound; magically. Trying to free myself, I heard whispers which flooded my mind uncontrollably, at first. The whispers were an illusion in to the wraith's presence. Concentrating all thought and thus deciphering them, I found truth in the practices the being preached prior to it's change of planar existence, and began to theorize the motions in which were holding me; freeing the binds upon me. It was simple - I was no longer submissable to the creature and so, it left with it's prize...Simei's soul.

Though it was a desperate trial on my emotions coping with the fear and loss, I managed to find myself and gather serenity. Never before this day did I so closely feel the power of magic, and never before did I fathom it's ability. I always shunned the thought and resorted to simple cunning.

Traveling and thinking, I ran in to a guard at the border forests of Affidale, who seemed eager to learn of why my eyes were so purely clean. Oddly enough, I trusted the stranger enough to explain my recent ordeal (or perhaps it was the stress uplift of conversation with someone which led me to pronouncing normally hidden truths otherwise kept secret). Finding perseverance and insightful wisdom in my recent self-revealing experiences, he escorted me to the adviser to Tiersa Ine, Pensi Ro, a very interestingly fit halfling amidst a township of elves. To my surprise, she seemed to have a very promising understanding of exactly where my recent place in maturity was and the powerful experiences I had endured.

I became a subject. Oathing to value the lives of others and trust those whom I could see in to their hearts. A few days passed and I found why the guard couldn't look away from my eyes (at first, I understood it as respectful custom), and saw a reflection of myself. Eyes as pure as snow. No pupils to be seen. Not only was the change physical, but metaphysical as well, for I found my thoughts changing rapidly and conclusions being drawn in to ancient symbols - some of which were in wall coverings in my quarters.

With insight of this, I rushed to Pensi and found myself in front of Tiersa Ine's presence. Dressed for what seemed an ornate gathering, the highly charismatic elf gazed in to my eyes as the guard did. I knew why the guard did so now. Before I could speak, Tiersa placed her hand on my forehead and said, "You've found a guiding light recently. You have inquiries." then paused briefly as I opened my eyes with the lowering of her hand to my chest. "You have my permission to speak to our grand master, whom you will find, has much to teach you of the desires you have."

So began my path to wizardry, and ended my life of treacherous acts.

From that day forward, I made two promises: find a brotherhood who will accept my vile deeded past and not judge me for it, and never discontinue the path of everlasting knowledge in spellcasting - for that is now my passion and pleasure.