Clearing Arren's Name

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While not technically a quest offered by the Adventurer's Guild, the party took it upon themselves to clear the name of a half-elf prisoner. Finding him in The Sparrowdale Guardhouse, Spikeblood heard the prisoner’s tale of innocence and believed him. Convincing the others, Spikeblood led the group to uncover clues to his innocence. While there were several clues in the houses of Olain Spellcheek and Morlour Oldarm, the most vital clues to Arren’s innocence came from the Thieves Guild, where the party confirmed that Arren had been blackmailing the two nobles, after discovering they were going to kill the mayor.

All this became moot and irrelevant, however, as the mayor was easily convinced to let the accused free after being granted a chance to use an amazing magical device, known as the Rod of Wonder. While certain members of the party were concerned at the mayor’s willingness to let (what was to him) a confirmed thief free, the party was well reimbursed by Arren after the half-elf was freed. The mayor also seemed largely unconcerned that the two nobles were plotting his ultimate demise in the face of opportunity to inspect the Rod of Wonder.

It should be noted for the reader that the mayor is a magic user of some sorts.