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A hatchling Spiretop Drake, whose name means "Great Foundation" in the odd mix of draconic and dwarvish of Tarmalas. Rescued from Kobolds while still in the egg by Sabi, and hatching in the midst of battle with undead zombies, Ibas is roughly a month old. Ibas is quite large for his age, having the size and maturity of almost a year old Spiretop Drake, due to certain events in Silva Domus. His birth during combat against undead has instilled in him a hatred of the necromatic creations, and he has since grown into a fierce fighter and close companion of Sabi. When not fighting or hunting alongside Sabi, Ibas will often play with her companions, or explore the surrounding areas, drifting or cartwheeling through the air. He has become a lethal weapon, proving himself a competent fighter, and has been the end of many of Sabi's enemies.

Though still very young chronologically, Ibas' growth has been vastly accelerated by Melora, matching the changes in Sabi. His physical body grew in the forests of Silva Domus, and he underwent accelerated mental growth when Sabi's heritage manifested itself in the temple of Arkhosia. He has the reasoning and physical capabilities of a fully grown Spiretop Drake, though he is still barely over a month old. This rapid growth managed to spare Ibas' childhood- despite his physical size and mental development, Ibas is still as playful and curious as any Spiretop Drake of the same age, and continues to provide moments of amusement to Sabi and her companions.

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