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In the beginning...

The land was a growing forest with nearby plains, rolling hills, and mountains to the north. In the very beginning, a troupe of druids settled here and named their colony, Sparrowdale. Named thus so for the migration patterns of the birds before they headed south for the winter. It was the year 404 AS. After a few years of life in the village, humans discovered Sparrowdale. Their life style was much different than a druid and the two were able to somewhat co-exist. By the time 410 AS rolled around, the druids had not only claimed Sparrowdale as their home, but also Ravenside. The humans would expand to a bigger settlement south of Sparrowdale, named Aspenwood. But, that would not happen for about fifty more years. In the meantime, Sparrowdale became a mostly humanized town. It’s population boomed and by the time the year 560 AS came about, the population was a staggering 1,500 people. All of whom would live various lifestyles.


A Mayor is the elected official for life when it comes to keeping Sparrowdale intact throughout the years. He or she is in control of most of what happens within Sparrowdale. There also exists a small town council of five individuals, each of whom are also elected for life. Together, the Mayor and the council create and uphold the laws that are put in the book. If one could classify the alignment of such a town, it would be lawful good.


Sparrowdale’s existence has always been one of peace, but surrounding creatures think it an easy mark. It wasn’t long after the arrival of humans that fortifications were put in place. A Captain of the Guard was chosen by the Mayor. The town is equipped with a standard defense -- There are eight guard towers that are paired in groups of two. These guard towers watch over each cardinal directions and the town is surrounded by a stone wall about three feet thick and about twelve feet high. Before the humans came along though, the druids had employed several tricks to keep the nearby goblins and gnolls at bay. Treeants were strategically placed and charged with the task of watching over the town. They continue to look over Sparrowdale even to this day, living a motionless life. The humans have never known they have existed. The elves who have been here since the inception of Sparrowdale know all too well what exists in nearby groves of trees within the city walls.

Sparrowdale at this time (560 AS) is roughly composed of the following percentages. Residences occupy 30% of the towns buildings mostly for commoners. For the poorer individuals, there exists a slums district which is composed of 15% of the buildings. 10% of the buildings are for travel purposes, and another 10% is for industrial crafts (carpenters, masons, slaughterhouses, and lumbar yards). Another 10% area is the shopping/trading/market district where one can buy, sell, or trade wares. The town’s resources occupy 5% (Administrative buildings). There are numerous other 5% sections which include (outlying farms), public works (graveyards, temples, schools, and libraries), and another section would be those purely for entertainment purposes. Sparrowdale is a a self-sufficient town, but sometimes, they need to acquire additional produce and ravenside’s primary export is produce as well as meat from butchered livestock. There exists trade between all the neighboring civilizations.

Please see Sparrowdale Church

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