The Dream

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"It all began with a mental wrench.

It was a fair and relatively peaceful day until the goddess Melora decided to bless a faithful follower with greater strength and weapon versatility. The blessing required an excruciating change, from the carefully groomed predlocks to the razor sharp toenails into the very core of Sabi and her mind. In her infinite wisdom and mercy, Melora allowed Sabi escapism through a deep and healing sleep.

Unfortunately, Sabi's Subconscious was not peaceful and turned the healing sleep into a horrific psychological nightmare. Churning and raging within the confines of reality, the Subconscious ceased its lurking and struck. When Sabi fell into the deep trance Subconscious pounced, wrapping its posionous claws around Sabi’s fragile sanity. Caught off-guard and unawares Sabi fell victim to its torture.

Her Subconscious lured her into the false sense of security not with a typical dream of puppies, sunshine, waffles, and BACON (in otherwords true happiness), but with visions of serenely flying through cheerful clouds astride Ibas. Garnished with a quiver bristling full of magical arrows and the finest honed bow in unexistence. Sabi unfurled shot after shot into the cute poofy clouds causing instaneous cloud love and misty mating. White cottony gusts swelling with dopamine and norepinephrine. Swirling around their foggy lover and spawning millions of rainbows across the night sky.

Then the trap triggered. Ibas imploded into a mass of feathers. Plummeting to the earth with her fowl friend, Sabi was truly ensared. A crash landing in an alien world, inhabited by exploding pineapples and right sock bushes, was only the beginning. Dun-dun-dun!!!! Firmly grasping her sanity, Sabi merely squared her shoulders and patted Ibas-now-a-chicken's shoulder. Sensing that Sabi was dealing with this world better than she ought Subconscious triggered more horrors. Ibas grew larger and bigger and wider and huger as Sabi grew smaller and tinier and squashable and itsy-bitsy. Looming over Sabi with fierce chicken-ness. Ibas succumbed to his fowl instincts. The hugemongus beak fissured the earth in front of Sabi as the pecking spree began. 'Finally!' the Subconscious giggled, for Sabi began to crack. Screaming hysterically and at the top of her lungs, Sabi sprinted away from the deranged Ibas-now-a-chicken. "NO IBAS! I'M NOT CORN!! IBAS!!! NOOO!!!"

Unfortunately, the rest of the dream was forgotten and unrecorded. No doubt it was too heinous and too deranged to be expressed or recorded in words1. Of course the dream was not the deity's fault, nor accidently triggered by Melora’s overwhelming holiness, but strictly due to the Subconscious.

Verified by the following references:

1. Melora

2. Deity Training Inc. Course 100930056831: What Not To Do To Your Disciples