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Wearing simple traveler clothes short brown hair and green eyes, there is physically little that stands out about Syrin Windhowler. Raised from infancy by the druids of Therndale, and with no knowledge of his true family, Syrin has dedicated his life to protecting nature from the destruction of the sentient races. The druids of Therndale tasked Syrin with exploring distant lands, and learning the many different aspects of nature. Though the young elf uses his gifts to grow plants for the shop Beakers and Botany, in other areas Syrin tends to favor the more carnivorous and predatory sides of nature (as can be seen in his choice of animal companion and wild shape forms, or odd obsession with Shocker Lizards). Although young for an elf (just recently turning 86) and still very inexperienced in the ways of battle, Syrin is fast becoming a powerful spell caster, and is quick to notice the faintest of noises or movements- though this often causes him to be easily distracted, or to loose interest in things that are still or quiet.

Syrin has no romantic attachments to speak of, though he has formed several friendships since leaving Therndale. Most notable of these is his friendships with the sorcerer Alderick- with linked interests in the magical arts, the two have been through many difficult encounters, and together they manage the shop Beakers and Botany. He also has developed a type of friendship with Pengarond- though the older elf often teases and ridicules Syrin regarding his name or beliefs, the young druid will often defer to Quickeye, due to his experience and familiarity with city life.

Syrin also has several friends and mentors in Therndale, including a copper dragon of similar age to him. Syrin travels with his bat, List, who (while largely useless in combat) makes for a good listener or messenger. Syrin will often right letters back to Therndale, carried back on light parchment by his faithful bat.