Crystals and Callouses

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"Crystals and Callouses" is a play written by Quillan of Aspenwood that details the life of Duke Ekzim Ninwicket. It details the gnome mage's struggles while training to become a master illusionist, and the assistance (and friendship) he received from a very unlikely source - an orc warrior named Kul'thuk. The plot has many twists, and culminates in a climactic battle with a rival arcanist named Janira Flamehair, who also happened to be Ekzim's first love.

Some memorable quotes:
"I will do this. Nothing in my life matters except this. No moment in my life exists except this moment. I am born in this moment, and if I fail, I will die in this moment."
- Ekzim's words to his headmaster before beginning his final examination.

Kul'thuk: "How many spells do you have?"
Ekzim: "One, but it's a good one."

Janira: "Your illusions will never carry the destructive might of my spells! Give up now, for if you continue, you are already dead."
Ekzim: "No, really? I was feeling a bit under the weather this morning, but I had no idea it was as bad as all that. So I'm dead. Done for. Bought the farm. Kicked the bucket. Was it a nice funeral? Did lots of people come? Was there a twenty-one gun salute? I've always wanted a twenty-one gun salute."
- Before their final battle