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Nargothrond is an elven nation not far from Sparrowdale. Nestled deep in the Warderwilds, Nargothrond is a monarchy ruled by the current patriarch of the prime noble house, Ardain Parmentier. The castle Fallowholde is where Ardain makes his proclamations, located in Menegroth, Nargothrond's capital. The seven minor noble houses are Gansireed, Inglorion, Miretano, Ordos, Poritrin, Taligari, and Zanovar. As the elves have such long lives, political intrigue is not unknown to them, with occasional alliances, vendettas, and truces sprouting up every so often.

Nargothrond is populated almost entirely by elves, though some gnomes and half-elves also reside here. As it is impossible for humans to participate in the elven nation's government, they generally prefer to stay in their own lands. Threats usually come from the surrounding areas lying outside the Warderwilds (which is why the forest is called such), with gnolls, lizardfolk, and marsh goblins making the greatest impact in the serenity of Nargothrond.

In the current game, Pengarond is a scion of House Miretano, and hails from the city of Tirion in Nargothrond.