Campaign Chronicles-13-Descent into Kobold Hall
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Chapter 13. Descent into Kobold Hall
Astronom and Ezarael were given a quest by an old wizard to seek out the mystery of Kobold Hall. Sabi and Cale were going to retrieve an item, a cured green dragonhide armor for a dwarven smith that was stolen from a wagon. The item is believed to be in Kobold Hall. Lastly, Balasar was hired by the Lord Warden of Fallcrest to kill Kobolds in Kobold Hall and to prove that it was exterminated of the vermin. He was told he would receive 10gp for every Kobold slain and another 100gp if he could prove it was purged of Kobolds.
The teams of adventurers found themselves at the entrance of Kobold Hall. After a brief introduction and explaining their different reasons for wanting to go into Kobold Hall, they descended down the stairs together.
A lone kobold spotted the adventurers and sounded the alarm regarding the intrudersssss. Cale tried to talk to the little reptilian, but that stopped as soon as the kobold launched a rock that was deflected by Cale's awesome armor. Soon, all five of the kobolds in this room were killed.
After a short rest, the adventurers pressed on into the second room. This second room was mysteriously trapped somehow and things kept hitting them which immobilized them. Cale, Ezarael, and Sabi were all hit by the traps. There was an altar to Tiamat with an offering of 60 gold pieces in a bag which was taken by Sabi. The three kobolds in this room didn't stand a chance against the heroic adventurers! Soon thereafter, the adventurers took some time to take a rest.
- Ordo Chimeris, or The Order of the Chimera
Continue on to the next chapter of the chronicles: Campaign Chronicles-14-Retreat